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How To Make A LoFi Beat In Cubasis 3
In this video we’ll be going over the basics of how to create a lofi track inside of Cubasis 3 using our brand new completely free essentials sample pack.
Plugin Usage Explained - CPU, RAM, DSP
There's been some confusion in the community about how CPU and RAM effect DSP so in this video we’ll try to clear that up by discussing the differences between all these things and how they relate to plugins and overall performance inside your DAW.
How To Make Better Sounding Drums In Cubasis 3
In this video we’ll be explaining a few key concepts to making better drums such as sound selection, bpm and swing.
14 Popular Drum Patterns Every Producer Should Know
In this video we’ll be going through a bunch of popular drum patterns in a wide variety of different genres and explain the main characteristics behind each style.
80s Drum Patterns For Synthwave In Cubasis 3
In this video we’ll be going through a bunch of different 80s drum patterns and loops that are perfectly suited for the Synthwave genre.