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How To Process Bass In Cubasis 3
In this video we give you some tips and tricks on how to better process your bass in Cubasis 3 using stock plugins and serial compression.
How To Use Automation In Cubasis 3
In this video we cover the topic of automation inside Cubasis to help you understand what it is and why it’s important.
How To Backup & Share Cubasis 3 Projects (Stems, Multitracks, Midi)
In this video we go over how to backup and share your projects, as well as how to properly mixdown your project to stems and multitracks, and finally we also show you how to export midi.
How To Create A Song Template In Cubasis 3
In this video we’ll be showing you how to create a new default project template in Cubasis 3 so you can get started making music faster.
How To Use AUv3 Midi Effects In Cubasis 3
In this video we’re going to be demonstrating how to use a bunch of different very useful auv3 midi fx apps inside Cubasis 3.