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Mobile Music Roundtable #7
In the 7th episode of the Mobile Music Roundtable Podcast we speak with more top developers to discuss issues important to the iOS music community including developer obligations to customers, Apple removing older apps, the future of mobile music production and much more.
How To Create Samples From Instruments On iPad
Ever wanted to take that gigantic hardware synth or physical instrument with you on the go without all the hassle? Well this app makes it really easy to sample that instrument right from your iPhone or iPad in just a few minutes.
How To Convert Real-Time Audio to MIDI
Converting audio to MIDI isn’t just for guitar players anymore! In this video we show you how to extract the MIDI from a melody loop so you can layer it with another instrument or replace it all together.
What's On My iPad - 2022 - Most Used Music Apps
We’ve been getting asked lately which music apps we use the most so in this video we’ll be going through our entire app collection and revealing which apps we actually use and why.
How To Use Geoshred To Control SWAM iOS Apps
The SWAM instruments are fantastic sounding physically modeled instrument apps but if you’re only using a keyboard to play them you’re missing out!