This free pack comes with 293 midi files containing all the Major and Minor scales and Triad chords ready to be immediately dropped into your DAW. You'll also get bonus of both piano and guitar scales and chord charts.
These midi files will show you the available notes that you can use within a chosen scale and key which can come in incredibly handy when trying to create chords and melodies from scratch.
And finally, in addition to just the Major and Minor scales this pack also contains midi files for the following scales: Dorian, Enigmatic, Harmonic Minor, Ionian, Japanese Insen, Lydian, Major Bebop, Melodic Minor, Mixolydian, Neapolitan, Neapolitan Minor, Pentatonic Blues, Pentatonic Major, Pentatonic Minor, Phrygian, and Whole Tone.
Once you've got your chords down use our next free MIDI pack to see the most Commonly Used Chord Progressions.
Or if you aren't a music theory genius try our mouspads with either Piano Scales or Piano Chords to have at your fingertips.
Plus if you also need drums make sure to checkout our Essentials MIDI Pack 02 - Drum Patterns.
What's Included
- 293 Midi files
- 18 Scale Types including Major & Minor
- Major & Minor Triad Chords
- Major & Minor 4-key Chords
- Power Chords
- Bonus: Piano Scales & Chords Charts
- Bonus: Guitar Chords & Fretboard Charts


In this video we’ll be showing you how to use the files included with our first midi pack designed to help beginners quickly create compelling chords and melodies.
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In this video we’ll be going over several different techniques to customize the chords and melodies found in our latest free MIDI packs
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In this video we’re going to be demonstrating how to use a bunch of different very useful auv3 midi fx apps inside Cubasis 3.
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In this video we’ll be going through a few different apps to help you create a strumming effect on your MIDI notes for pianos and guitars.
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In this video we’ll be showing you how to copy your audio files from your external hard drive or wireless network onto your iOS device.
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In this video we’ll be going over a few techniques to make your MIDI strings and keys sound much more natural and realistic.
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